[Part 5] In-House, Agencies, and Beyond: A Guide to Talent Acquisition Solutions in 2022

Ultimately, you have to consider multiple factors when deciding which recruiting solution best fits your needs, and there really is no one-size-fits-all solution. While most TA leaders have heard of the traditional split between Agency, In-House, and Contractors (and even the traditional RPO), the newer Talent Acquisition On-Demand model is more novel and not always well understood.

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[Part 1] In-House, Agencies, and Beyond: A Guide to Talent Acquisition Solutions in 2022

If you only need to make a small number of hires for the foreseeable future, it may make the most sense to work with a contingent recruiting agency. However, contingent agencies are not embedded with your internal TA team, meaning that they will neither be as knowledgeable about your company's unique vision, selling points, and nuances, nor will integrate seamlessly into your systems and tools.

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